Pose pose pose roger roger minecraft
Pose pose pose roger roger minecraft

pose pose pose roger roger minecraft

The inmates sit out of their cells, laughing and enjoying mushroom stew. Multiple inmates enter the room with wooden bowls, lining up to the mooshroom. Nurm uses the mooshroom to make a bowl of mushroom stew. Radar: Holy cow! A mooshroom! We can feed the entire room! Oxblood: Mind explainin' what yer doin' in my most private of spaces? Visitors ain't welcome. Oxblood: Soundin’ to me like I could ask ya the same question. mooshroom? What the heck are you doing here? Jesse enters the room and comes across a mooshroom, with wooden fencing around it. Jesse: I did it! Yes! Oops! Now, if only someone had been around to see me being this impressive. Jesse: Okay, looks like the buttons move the blocks.įinally, Jesse pushes the third button, activating and opening the stone door. Jesse: Secret buttons, nice! Now, we're onto something! Okay, time to see what tall, red and- gruesome- is hiding. Jesse punches the painting, revealing a row of 3 buttons in the wall. Jesse: I think there's another room back there! But how do I get in? Jesse removes the woll wall, revealing a stone door.

pose pose pose roger roger minecraft

Jesse: Let's see what I can do with this. Jesse goes up close to the wall and listens, then hears the sound of a cow's moo. Show 'em around, would ya? Thanks.Īnthony: Excuse me? Who are you supposed to be?Īnthony: I need a moment to process. Anthony, a guard holding a cookie, turns around to the group. Inside the room is a large floor of mycelium. Jesse, Radar and Stella make their way into the Mush Room, where both guards and prisoners are present. Jesse is escorted out of the office and into the Mush Room, with Radar and Stella, as the Warden closes the mechanical door. Warden: Be careful what you wish for, Stella. Stella: Exactly what I was going to suggest! I'll have your job before you know it, Warden. Warden: (Cut off) That’s right! Go along, Jesse! To the Mush Room. Warden: Not every prisoner here wears orange, Jesse. Once upon a time I wouldn't have blamed you for that, but that was a long time ago. Warden: I realize you’re not gonna stop trying to protect your friend. Jesse jumps across the wall to evade the zombies and runs further into the maze. Jesse jumps across the wall to evade the spiders, then looks to see creepy prison zombies approaching the two, with glowing red eyes. Spiders emerge from around the maze and jump towards the two. Jesse: Okay, we've got to figure out where we are- (Looks ahead) What is that? They come back out of hiding and run the other direction. A golem stops and looks towards the pillars, then turns around and walks away. They keep running and hide behind two obsidian pillars. Jesse slides past some golems, which chase the two into the maze. Warden: Stop them! Don't let them reach The Burrows! They run away from the guards and into the obsidian maze. Petra: We'll never make it through like this. I’m not sure how we’re getting 'outta this one.Īn alarm goes off and several guards leave the prison to chase after Jesse and Petra. Petra: And the Admin has Jack! Ugh! It never ends with that guy! Looks like we’re trapped. beautiful behavioral adjustment retreat center. The Admin is an endless source of building brilliance. Jesse: So, the Admin created this nuthut, too, huh? The Warden makes his way across the room and the golem nudges Jesse to follow him. Warden: It's a reformatory for people the Admin has found. The Warden brings Jesse through some iron doors and into the entrance of a large prison. (Reads through book) Let's see, let's see, let's see. Jesse runs and trips over themselves, to which they find the Warden standing in front of them. Suddenly, a golem appears behind Jesse and chases after them. Above it is a wooden sign that says "Sunshine Institute". Jesse comes across a post, with the emblem of a sun and rainbow on it.

Pose pose pose roger roger minecraft